Frequently asked

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Are there any upfront fees?

No. ESP do not charge any upfront fees for grant writing or the service that we provide. If your grant application is unsuccessful then there will be no cost to your organisation.

How does ESP charge for their service?

Should your grant application be successful the goods/services quoted by ESP as a part of the application process includes an amount for our service.

What information do we need to provide?

All the information that ESP require to apply for grants on your behalf is completed within the Organisation Information Form (OIF). Once this form is completed and returned to ESP along with the details of the project that requires funding, we can make a start on your applications.

What if our organisation is not incorporated?

If your organisation is not incorporated then you can apply for grant funding using an “Auspice” organisation. The Auspice organisation enters the funding agreement and receives the funding on your behalf which can then either be paid direct to ESP or to your organisation first. An example of this maybe the league/association that your club is a member of can “Auspice” your application.

Can we use preferred tradespeople?

Yes. ESP is happy to engage your local or preferred tradespeople for any building type projects. They would be working as a sub-contractor to ESP and would be paid for their services by ESP. ESP are the Project Managers and all grant funds paid to your organisation will be paid to ESP.

Can we select the type of equipment to be supplied?

Yes. ESP have a wide range of equipment suppliers. Your organisation simply needs to specify the type/size/colour etc. and quantity of equipment required and we can source and supply it for you.